Return After Hiatus

Wow, 2024. Where did the time go? I started this website two years ago and imagined by this time I would be farther along on this journey than I am.  Life had other plans for me. Great plans, but I won’t bore you with all the details. Here is a quick run down of the last two years:

Early 2022- I completely changed professional fields. I transitioned from mortgage lending to a special education/behavioral health field.

Mid 2022- I got married!

Later 2022- I celebrated a big birthday...40!

Early 2023- I graduated college! FINALLY!!

Late 2023- I had a beautiful baby!

I guess I am a late bloomer. But that is okay. I traveled a long, difficult road to get here and had to overcome my own mental health and behavioral challenges. The point is, I made it and I feel my best life has truly begun.  We've all heard it at least once- "you're never too old "… to get a degree, to find a life partner, to create your happiness. I'm still growing personally and professionally. In fact, I am working toward purchasing my first home and becoming board certified in behavior analysis.

AND, I am ready to move forward with Ewedaimonia. I will be moving in a slightly different direction, but my mission is the same. The focus this year is to connect more with others; yarnies and non-yarnies alike.  I've had a rush of creative ideas I look forward to sharing. The idea I'm most excited about is a book club-but not your ordinary book club...details to come!

Until then come hang out with me on Instagram and Threads!


Serotonin: The Mood-Boosting Molecule


Vision Statement