Emotions, Feelings & Mood Tracking.

"Knowing thyself is the beginning of all wisdom."  -Aristotle

[With the release of Lion Brand’s mood tracking blanket kit, I thought it would be fitting to update my original post from 2022.]

One important way to gain more control of your life and increase well-being is understanding the ways you interact with yourself and your environment. Emotions are an indication of how we interact and how we respond.

There is a misconception that emotions in and of themselves are good or bad. Emotions kept our ancestors alive and continue to aid in our survival. What can be labeled as good or bad is our reaction or response to emotions. We all can think of a situation when we reacted poorly, sparking feelings of guilt and shame. I'm sure we can all bring to mind a time when the choice was not responding at all and that too sparking feelings of guilt. Possessing control over emotional responses is hard work, but I assure you, it is well within your powers. A good place to start is understanding key facts about emotions, feelings and moods.


  • are brain chemical (hormones/neurotransmitters) responses to internal (memories) or external (environment) stimuli.

  • are decoded in an almond shaped part of the brain called the amygdala.

  • alter body chemistry and functioning (fear: sweating, heart races, breath quickens).

  • last for short periods of time.

  • are subjective and intensity differs from person to person.

  • over the years scientist have argued there to be only 6 basic emotions, then updated to 8 basic emotions. Recent studies now state humans have 27 basic emotions. Including all varying degrees of emotions there are a total of 34,000.

  • suppressing or ignoring can change an emotion into a mood state.

  • influence motivation, well-being, health and decision-making.


  • are the awareness of emotions

  • are the reactions/responses to emotions

  • also subjective and vary in intensity


  • emotional states that can last for longer periods of time, from hours to weeks.

  • not the result of a specific event.

  • can be present before emotional response is triggered. Reaction/response to emotion is influenced by current mood state.

Now that we better understand the differences of each and how closely they are linked, lets take a look at how powerful mood tracking is.

  • Mood tracking is a reflective journey into understanding one's emotional landscape, involving the regular recording of moods and emotions to uncover patterns and triggers. This process is supported by a variety of tools, ranging from digital mood tracking apps like Calm and Moodnotes to traditional methods such as handwritten journals. Each method offers its unique advantages:

    • Digital Tools: Apps provide convenience and accessibility, often featuring reminders and the ability to analyze mood patterns over time.

    • Traditional Methods: Handwritten journals and mood charts offer a personalized touch, allowing for deeper reflection and connection with one's emotional state.

    • Creative Methods: KNITTING & CROCHETING!

    Understanding the multifaceted nature of mood—how it's influenced by biological, psychological, and environmental factors—is crucial. Stress, poor sleep, and even the weather can significantly impact one's emotional well-being. By identifying these external and internal triggers, individuals can gain insights into how daily activities, sleep patterns, and even diet affect their moods. This awareness is the first step toward developing coping mechanisms and making lifestyle adjustments that support mental health. Through mood tracking, individuals not only learn about their emotional triggers but also discover what improves their mood, laying the groundwork for enhanced mental well-being.

    The Psychological Benefits of Mood Tracking

    Mood tracking transcends mere observation; it's a gateway to profound psychological benefits that foster mental well-being. Here's how:

    1. Enhanced Self-Awareness and Emotional Regulation:

      • Understanding your emotional patterns and triggers through mood tracking leads to a deeper self-awareness.

      • This insight allows for better emotional regulation, helping individuals manage their feelings more effectively.

    2. Mindfulness and Stress Management:

      • Regular engagement with mood tracking promotes mindfulness, encouraging individuals to live in the present and acknowledge their feelings without judgment.

      • Identifying stressors enables the development of personalized coping strategies, significantly reducing stress levels.

    3. Improved Mental Health and Relationships:

      • Early identification of potential mental health issues facilitates timely intervention.

      • Understanding one's emotional state enhances decision-making and fosters empathy, improving interpersonal relationships.

    Mood Tracking and Mental Health Management

    Mood tracking is a pivotal tool in mental health management. By identifying patterns and triggers, individuals empower themselves to proactively manage their mental well-being, potentially mitigating the severity and frequency of negative emotional states. Some benefits:

    • Facilitates Professional Communication: Provides mental health professionals with critical data, enhancing the formulation of personalized treatment plans.

    • Empowers Self-Management: Encourages the development of coping strategies to navigate through challenging moods and behaviors.

    However, it's crucial to recognize mood tracking's role as a supplementary tool rather than a replacement for professional mental health services. Mood disorders, including bipolar and depressive disorders, signify conditions that necessitate medical attention. In such scenarios, mood tracking can serve as a valuable adjunct, aiding in the accurate assessment of daily feelings, habit modification, and the evaluation of treatment efficacy, such as the impact of new antidepressants or therapeutic approaches like cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and mindfulness.

    The act of recording our moods serves to enhanced self-awareness, stress management, and ultimately, a more balanced mental state. This introspective habit not only allows us to pinpoint and address the external and internal factors influencing our moods but also empowers us with the knowledge to adjust our lifestyles and coping mechanisms for a healthier mind.

Digging Deeper:














Mood Tracking Progress


Serotonin: The Mood-Boosting Molecule